
Showing posts from July, 2014

God Smiled ...

Everyday a man used to go to the temple in the morning and while praying to God he would complain that around him why there is so much of poverty and why so much of suffering? After a several days of complaining prayers, finally God appeared in front of him and asked him to show the poverty and suffering. He took God along with him and went to the streets where beggars and poor sick people were sitting. He showed the first sick poor person to God and said... “Why is he suffering this much, why don’t you heal him? “ God smiled and dint says anything. He showed other person who was sick because of hunger to God and said.. “Why don’t you give enough food these people?” God smiled and dint says anything. He went on showing the sufferer and poor people to God and asked several questions. In reply God only smiled. At last he was frustrated and irritated with the God’s smile and asked him…. “Why are you smiling for all my questions why don’t you help